Hydration Is HOT This Summer
Did you know symptoms of heat exhaustion include nausea, muscle cramps, dizziness, and feeling cool to the touch?
Practice heat safety this summer with these hot-weather tips:
☀ Stay hydrated! Drink extra water and bring a water bottle with you when spending time outside.
☀ Listen to your body – take it easy when temperatures rise, limit outdoor work and exercise to cooler parts of the day and stop what you’re doing if you feel weak or faint.
☀ Be informed by following local weather, signing up for weather alerts at VT-Alert and checking Health Department social media (Instagram and Facebook) for advisories.
☀ Check on your neighbors and loved ones, especially if they are older or have chronic health conditions.
☀ Stay cool! Take a break in an air-conditioned space – use the Health Department’s Cooling Sites Map to find spots near you.
Learn the symptoms of heat illnesses and find more tips on our website.